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My Story - Gina Osse

Hello all, my name is Gina Osse, and this is my story.

I never would have thought I would be participating in a blog of any nature but least of all about my story.

It all started when my mother Anne R. Bussey passed away November 2, 2011. At the age of 45 I felt like an orphan, my only parent is now gone what am I to do. Because of my spirituality, which my mother introduced me to, I fell to my knees and asked God…what now?! I needed answers and I needed to talk through my feelings. I went on the internet and googled spiritual retreats for Black women. I found a retreat headed by a woman named “Loving” and the theme of the retreat was “Write Your New Story”. I immediately signed up. For me, that was the first step in my journey to find myself, my voice, my new story.

At the retreat, I walked a labyrinth and that’s where I heard the voice of God. He told me to trust Him. I always had the faith of a million people, however as I learned, I didn’t have trust. I would pray and say, “Lord, while you are doing that, I’m going to do this,” instead of just praying and leaving the problem or situation at His feet. I now know how to pray and leave it for Him to fix, whatever “it” may be and I am finding things falling into place.

I used to feel weak and always felt alone even– maybe especially in a crowded room. I felt what I had to say didn’t matter and was not important until this retreat. I was able to purge and I learned a lot about myself that I didn’t want to face. I came to the realization that what I had to say was not only important for me to say but for others to hear.

I am a Christian wife and mother of three, two boys and one girl. I truly believe in God who is the head of my life. I have gone through some things in my life and to be honest at this point I’m still going through them. However I have placed my trust in God and I know He will fix all things AND will give me the strength to continue on. I am stronger now than I have ever been in my life and I am no longer afraid to fail, because failure is not an end it’s a beginning. Failure lets you know, oops that didn’t work, let try this.

My oldest son is in prison for two years because he was caught up with people he had no business with. But to this I still say “To God be the glory!!” This is my son’s time to listen out for the voice of God for himself. Because of this situation with my son and my struggle to decide what’s next for me the last five days I thought I was going to have a mental meltdown but of course I say again “But God”. What got me through these few days is my faith and trust in God, along with gospel music, of which one song in particular; Tamela Mann’s “Take Me to the King” When you get a chance listen to it but pay special attention to the lyrics.

I know God has a calling on my life to help young people and women but it starts with me first. I must do it, I must do it! I will do it!


About Gina Osse

As a Certified Professional Life Coach, Gina Osse empowers her clients to set their goals and achieve their life’s purpose. She uses her own life experiences to encourage others not to allow life’s day to day responsibilities to stand in their way. Her ultimate goal is to encourage and enable women and young girls to develop a relationship with themselves where restrictions, negativity and outside disturbances are used as a stepping stone rather than a stumbling block. Click here to book Gina and to Learn more...

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