5 Ways to Stay Motivated as an Entrepreneur
As a woman on the rise, in the past I’ve found it hard to stay motivated. I’m a single mom of 3 year old Joshua, a full time employee, I’m on the board of my condo association, I’m the founder a small nonprofit organization and I run my company Women on the Rise NY full time. I wouldn’t be able to do all of this without setting up strategies to enable me to maintain what I call life’s 3 pillars; Personal, Family and Professional.
Whether you are just starting as an entrepreneur or you have been at it for year it’s easy to lose motivation. When you lose motivation you lose valuable time advancing in your business. The key is to develop strategies that will help you de-escalate stress sooner rather than later.
Here are 5 ways to stay motivated as an entrepreneur:
1. Build Your Tribe
Everyone has what I call my 3 pillars of life; personal, family and professional. Identify individuals in your life that facilitate something different for each pillar. The person you have that is your ride or die in your family life may not be the right person to help you in a pinch with a business crisis.
2. Journal Your Daily Task and Thoughts
According to GoodTherapy.org writing has always been known to be very therapeutic for some people. Journaling is as simple as writing a few sentences describing what happened in your day and expressing how it made you feel. Take it a step further and write down what you could have done differently and how you will move forward the next day. The Plan, Pray, Prosper Planner is a great tool to use to journal and organize your task.
3. Find Your Happy Place
If you’ve never been asked ‘What makes you happy?’ now is a good time to think about it. I recently had to answer this question and I found out the things that were making me most happy had very little to do with ME. I created a routine of task that was centered on making others happy. This behavior can contribute to you feeling burnt out and stressed. Find things that make you happy simple for you like spending a hour alone walking, taking a long drive alone with the music on blast. Whatever it is make sure it’s something you do just for you.
4. Change Your Routine
For many of us we become creatures of habit and before you know it you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed by the very thing you do all the time. Changing your routine gives you a spark of energy and excitement; it opens up your mind the new things. Consider changing your morning routine with ever season. I know in the Northeast, where I’m from, the change in weather and daylight savings time makes me a different person in the mornings with each season so I make adjustments.
5. Join a Mastermind Group
A mastermind group is a great way to learn from and connect with like minded people. Most successful entrepreneurs join a mastermind because it gives them access, access to information and access to a new network of people. In your group you will get feedback and advice about the areas of your business that you struggle with the most. The Women on the Rise Mastermind is for women starting out in their entrepreneur journey. Get details at our website to join.
At the end of the day we can’t control when stress happens. But you can develop systems and strategies to enable your business to continue to thrive while you are managing and dealing with your stress.