Your Passion or Your 9 to 5?
It’s almost the New Year, WOW!!!
What, if anything are you going to do differently? Are you going to make and or break more of the same New Year’s resolutions, or are you now fed up and promise yourself that next year will be different and you will follow your PASSION.
Passion is a noun and according to means: Any powerful or compelling emotion or felling, as love or hate. It goes on to say: A strong amorous felling or desire; love; ardor. And lastly: A strong sexual desire; lust, -- the latter, you can talk about amongst yourselves, but the other two, let’s explore.
How do YOU define passion? My definition is something you love to do and would do even if you didn’t get paid for it. Singers or should I say entertainers, athletes, artists, teachers, doctors, nurses, they all probably would do their respective jobs or passions even if they didn’t get paid for it, OK maybe not athletes. Are you doing or even pursuing your true passion or are you stuck at that old 9 to 5 which pays the bills? I pose that question to myself as well.
I’ve read article after article about some Attorney or Stock Broker who were fed up with “Corporate America” and left it all to pursue their ultimate passion, whatever it may be and they are the better for it. However, those of us who don’t have the Harvard Law degree or connections that a high powered attorney or stock broker has, may be a little more hesitant to follow our dreams and continue to watch others live life as we sit on the sidelines. But NO MORE! Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not telling you to be the next “You Tube” sensation and march into your boss’ office tomorrow and say… “Take this job and shove it!” What I am saying to you and to myself is to take a good look at where you are now and fast forward it to just one year from now. What do you see? Is it just the same old, same old? Ask yourself—Gina (plug in your name here) is this where I want to be a year from now? And if the answer is no, the next question may be very difficult to answer—Now What?
Start off slowly. Volunteer in the field of your passion and network, network, network, network. Surround yourself with like-minded people and ask questions, don’t be shy. If you come across sincerely inquisitive regarding someone’s passion, they will be very enthusiastic to share their thoughts and ideas with someone who is actually interested in the same things they are. Will they introduce you around to other like-minded souls; you betcha. How do you think that Harvard attorney built his/her client base? He/she networked and surrounded him/her self with like- minded people.
My passion is to work with adolesant girls to help them find their voices so they can pay it forward and help others. We need to let our young women know there is a whole world out there for them to see and in order for them to see it; they must first find their place in it.
Here are three things you can do when planning a transition from 9 to 5 to your passion:
Manage your expectations: It may take longer than you expect to not require that 9 to 5 paycheck. Be sure to stock away plenty of cash for when the time comes.
Set goals and commit to them: Writing down your goals is a sure way to help you to commit to them. Begin the year with setting some realistic goals for yourself AND stick with them. Even if you don’t hit your target completion date, never lose sight of your goals.
Seek help: Hardly anyone built a business alone. Yes you want sole ownership but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t find a mentor. Mentors not only give sound advice about the business or service you want to provide but they hold you accountable to items 1 & 2.
I too will follow my own advice. I will surround myself with like-minded people, volunteer and get my feet wet; in the shallow end though, because I swim like a rock. Hum… something else I need to work on…learning how to swim. I am opening myself to new adventures AND LOVING IT!!! Contact me to let me know how you plan to make changes in your life at or at 718-427-6407.
- Gina
About Gina OsseAs a Certified Professional Life Coach, Gina Osse empowers her clients to set their goals and achieve their life’s purpose. She uses her own life experiences to encourage others not to allow life’s day to day responsibilities to stand in their way. Her ultimate goal is to encourage and enable women and young girls to develop a relationship with themselves where restrictions, negativity and outside disturbances are used as a stepping stone rather than a stumbling block. Click here to book Gina and to Learn more...