Hold up...Weight a minute
Are you like me, a vivacious, beautiful, magnificent, lively, successful woman of any age? Do you stop traffic from across the street? Well, I used to; until I put on some weight. Since I left my job in July of 2014, I’ve gained 50lbs. Now at my highest weight ever 327lbs. I almost want to put a dollar sign in front of 327 instead of lbs behind it, just to make me feel better. I’m not going to go into how I’ve been on yo-yo diets, and tried everything to lose weight blah blah blah…because I haven’t. Truth be told, I’ve just been afraid of not getting it right, yet again. So this time, I’m bringing you along for the journey to hold me accountable and for me to hold you accountable.
My proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back happened today. I went to my editor’s house for a meeting and wore a skirt that I’ve worn a hundred times before, just not lately. Yes the skirt was a bit snug but I thought I could get away with it. While driving, I felt like what I would think a sausage would feel like. The skirt was tighter sitting down than it was when I was standing. I felt my breasts in my throat. I said something’s gotta give; I can’t go around feeling like breakfast meat.
When I arrived at her house, the skirt attacked me. It tried to strangle me. It had rode up my back and I had that “high-low” action going on; you know what I’m talking about, high in the back and low in the front. Now mind you, this skirt once lived down by my ankles and now it’s up by my knees. So I tugged and tugged and got it to where I wasn’t showing all of my—what my mom used to say— P’s and Q’s. So now what?!
In high school I was the captain of my cheerleading squad and I was very active. Dancing, roller skating, bike riding, jumping rope, I walked everywhere, I enjoyed it all. Then baby number one, I bounced back, baby number two, I bounced back, baby number three…not so much. Life happened and with three C-sections and two abdominal surgeries, all the movement, the regular movement stopped. Again, so now what?! I’ve gotten to the point where I’m so uncomfortable in my body, I don’t even enjoy walking my dog anymore because of leg and back pain—poor PorkChop. He enjoyed his hour long walks in the morning. Can you relate to parking your car as close to the store as possible even if you have to drive around several times?
Yet again, I say, NOW WHAT?! I’ll tell you. I’ve stumbled across this wonderful woman named JJ Smith of JJSmithOnline.com and she has an abdominal challenge. I’m inviting you to challenge me and yourself. Together we can hold one another accountable; we’ll be “Belly Buddies”. We have to start somewhere so let’s do it together.
I will check in on this subject every month with an update. Don’t worry about what the scale says, a matter of fact, throw it away. Let your clothes or your skirt in my case, be your guide.
It’s December and the new year’s about to start. No more New Year’s resolutions, let’s make a commitment to be our better selves. I’m in, ARE YOU?
Before starting this or any exercise regimen, consult your physician.
- Gina
About Gina OsseAs a Certified Professional Life Coach, Gina Osse empowers her clients to set their goals and achieve their life’s purpose. She uses her own life experiences to encourage others not to allow life’s day to day responsibilities to stand in their way. Her ultimate goal is to encourage and enable women and young girls to develop a relationship with themselves where restrictions, negativity and outside disturbances are used as a stepping stone rather than a stumbling block. Click here to book Gina and to learn more...