Women on the Rise! Interview Series - Kymberley Clemons-Jones
Please introduce yourself and tell us about your career or business. What services or products do you offer?
My name is Kymberley Clemons-Jones. I am a pastor of a local congregation and I run a small business called Restored Life! The mission of Restored Life! is "To help humanity embrace their own divine image.” This is done through three models: Exploration of the Divine through 1) Spiritual Discipline, 2) Community Connection, and 3) Valued Purpose. To be successful in seeing ourselves in God’s image we must connect to the divine, our community, and our purpose. Various healing modalities are utilized through each model such as Spiritual Cleansing and the Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping) and are offered through individual and group coaching, classes and seminars. I am also an international author of Cured but Not Healed: How to Experience Deeper Faith on Your Journey with God.
What motivated you to start a new business or to make significant change in an existing business/career? Was this career or business always your dream?
In 2009 I was planning to leave my full time job as Associate Dean of Students at Union Theological Seminary. I knew I would continue pastoring my church and that I wanted to continue to put my counseling skills into practice; so after doing research on the field of coaching I decided to get certified in it. I worked with an organization called Dream Mentors and was certified as a Biblical Transformation Life Coach. I have since been certified in other healing techniques that I use in my coaching practice.
What kind of qualities should a person have to be a successful in their career or as a successful business owner?
In the field of coaching you should have a heart for people and want to help them succeed in their goals. You should be pretty organized yourself so you can help others organize themselves. You need to be a life-long learner; meaning you should always be open to learning new things for your business and staying up-to-date in the latest tools to help your business thrive.
What is your greatest fear and how do you manage fear? Share your advice with our readers.
My greatest fear is that I won’t be able to learn all that I need to know to run a successful business; especially when it comes to accounting and bookkeeping. The only way to manage this fear is to learn more and especially ask the right people. You may need to ask many people to get the full picture, but it is worth it to feel like you are on the right track. There are organizations that can help you in this process such as SCORE.
What three pieces of advice would you give to our readers that are changing careers, starting or thinking of expanding a business?
For those who are changing careers or starting new businesses I would say to work with a coach to discern your divine purpose. We may have ended up in careers or jobs out of necessity or out of someone else’s dream for us, but my question is always, “What has the divine called you to do in this world?” It might have changed. A coach could help the career changer really explore their calling and values for living out the rest of their lives on purpose. I always say if your career doesn’t match your values then you’re in the place. Research is also important in starting a new business. Be as prepared as you can be before taking the step. Organizations like SCORE helps small business owners with much needed information on running your own business. The last piece of advice would be to find people who believe in your dream. You will need help even as a sole proprietor. That help can come in the form of vendors to help your roll out your vision. Help can come from your family who cheers you on from the sidelines, an assistant (virtual or not), or your very own personal or business coach to help you stay accountable to your goals. Remember that just because you are a small business doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have the support you need to flourish.
How do you go about marketing your business? What has been your most successful form of marketing?
I use social media mostly for marketing. Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter have been very useful tools. My website also has been an invaluable tool to getting out my services. Companies like fiverr.com have been great for getting marketing flyers, brochures and the like done for my business. I am always looking for ways to streamline my marketing approaches.
How has networking helped you in your career or business?
Networking has been tremendously helpful to my business. I belong to two Women’s Networking Organizations where I have met wonderful women entrepreneurs who share information and long lasting friendships. I met two of my personal coaches through these organizations and they have helped me progress in my own business. I also met the woman who is running my non-profit organization, The W.A.N.T.E.D. Project, in Ghana, West Africa through a networking organization.
Where do you see yourself and your business in 5 years? 10 years?
Through Restored Life, in five years I see myself working on my third book, and continuing to travel the world to spread the word that we all can live the way we are supposed to live; in constant connection with the Divine, in community, and with purpose! In 10 years, I’ll be working on my tenth book (or more) and being obedient to God in the same way. I will also be working with my non-profit organization to spread the word that our young men of color are worthy, accountable, named, thankful, empowered and determined.
How has being an entrepreneur or career women affected your family life? How do you achieve work life balance?
Being an entrepreneur has only benefited my family life. Although I don’t yet bring in the same money that I did when I was working two jobs I have had much more time to spend with my growing children. My husband and I have come to rely on my accessibility, especially after school, for our children. My youngest son is about to graduate from high school so I’m sure some of that will change. But it was so nice to be available to my children for so many years. I count it as a real accomplishment of my business to have that time.
What are your hobbies? What do you do in your non-work time?
I love to be with my husband, children and extended family. Anytime spent with family is a good time for me. I also like to read, take long walks in nature, try out new restaurants, and most of all, travel.
Find me at Restored Life!
Twitter: @rev_kcjones
Website: restorationlifecoach.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/restoredlifecoaching
Find me at The W.A.N.T.E.D. Project
Instagram: @wantedprjct
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thewantedprojectny
Thank you Kymberley for sharing with our readers. We look forward to more from you.